During your stay in the Basque Country, don’t miss out on the region’s typical local markets! The perfect opportunity to discover local gastronomy and artisanal products.

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List and days of local markets on the Basque coast

The Basque Country is famous for its traditions and gastronomy, which combines local produce with seafood. Local produce at a gourmet market, regional products at a farmers’ market or a covered market in a covered market hall, take advantage of your vacation at a Pays Basque campsite to visit the main Basque markets:

  • Hendaye: Saturday morning (Place Sokoburu)
  • Saint-Jean-de-Luz: Tuesday and Friday mornings
  • Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port: Mondays + Thursdays in summer (farmers’ market)
  • Espelette: Wednesday mornings
  • Urrugne: Wednesday mornings + Monday mornings (Socoa) in summer
  • Saint-Palais: Friday morning
  • Ustaritz: Saturday morning
  • Ciboure: Sunday morning
  • Tardets: Monday mornings (every week in summer, every other week the rest of the year).
  • Mauléon: Tuesday and Saturday mornings

To immerse yourself further in Basque gastronomy, include the Route des Fromages or another gourmet route through Béarn and the Pays Basque in your program of activities!

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Basque regional products sold at markets

From Bayonne ham to pintxos, cod à la biscayenne with Espelette chilli pepper, squid (chipirons) to sheep’s cheese, the Basque Country knows how to delight every palate. Meat, fish, seafood, peppers, cold meats, cheeses, cider, pastries: you’ll find Basque specialties from the ocean, countryside and mountains on the tables of the best restaurants.

Meet local producers who will show you in their cellars, workshops or farms, how they make their products before tasting them. In the Basque Country, gastronomy is so important that certain products have their own museum: the ham museum in Arzacq-Arraziguet, the Basque cake museum in Sare…

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